There was an earthquake today in Virginia. My daughter called me on my cellphone (I was in the JC Penney dressing room).
"Mom, the house walls just moved I think there was an earthquake!"
Of course I laughed and said,"Earthquake? Really?!"
Little did I know that there was an actual earthquake and it was felt as far away as Maine.
I get home and pull into the driveway and you would have thought Armageddon was just beginning. Neighbors running out of the house shrieking and crying about the earthquake. Neighbors thanking God that they had their children with them. Asking if a tsunami would be forthcoming.
I started to get a little nervous. I have a friend who lives in Virginia..should I call her?
I dialed the phone and my friend Denise answered. Immediately I asked her if she was OK. She said she was in the hen house cleaning and she didn't feel a thing. Huh.
I turned on the TV. Must have been a slow news day. People reporting on a non event. No damage, no one hurt but there were the reporters interviewing everyone asking if they felt the earthquake? How did the earthquake feel to you? What did you think as you felt (or didn't feel) the earthquake?
Only one guy on FOX News had the guts to tell everyone to calm down. It was a non event.
There were shots of a water tower that had crumbled some in NYC. Let me tell you, from the picture of the water tower a chipmunk could have sneezed on it and it would have toppled.
I went on Facebook and the posts were hilarious. People posting songs like "I Feel the Earth Move", "You Shook Me All Night Long", "Shaking". Someone suggested they should show the movie "Earthquake" from 1974. Someone posted a picture of toppled yard chairs. Someone else wanted to sell "I Survived the VA Earthquake 2011" t - shirts for $15. I laughed. It was good to see people with a sense of humor and a sense of not blowing some small thing out of proportion.
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