Finally - a day with some sunshine. I was so excited this morning I ran out to Lowe's and bought a few things - tomato cages, landscaping pins and green plant supports.
I came home and laid down the biodegradable weed barrier. then I planted my tomato plants from the greenhouse. Put the cages around them and voila! Last bed planted!
Then I looked around and added support to my sugar pea trellis netting. As I was looking at them I noticed that the green beans needed some support. I used the green plant supports and rigged up some tee pees. I noticed that I had some metal bars that were headed for the garbage and took them out- I have some ideas for making more tee pees. I just have to figure out how to keep them from falling. Easy with wood - not so easy with metal.
I also found an abandoned tire in the Lowe's parking lot. I put it in my car and I think I will fill it with soil this weekend and use it to plant some strawberries. I am really trying to use things that would otherwise be thrown into a dump in my garden. I am getting some great ideas from the ladies on the MJF chat room as well as on the net.
It was a beautiful day today and I got quite a bit accomplished. That makes me a happy camper.