Just when I thought we would have peaceful moment in between doing the floors and painting -- my husband tells me that the painters are coming on Monday between 8 and 9 am to put up the moulding. What?! OK I am chilled out now... Then I ask the million dollar question, "When are they coming to paint?"
Now you would have thought I was asking the sphinx a riddle. I get a blank stare, you know it, the deer in the headlights look. So I repeat my question. At this point he says that he isn't quite sure. Could be this week, could be next week.
I am no leader in industry, but I have to figure if you are running your own painting business you have some type of a calendar so you can, you know, schedule out your work jobs.
Is it just men? Is it me? Am I expecting too much to be let in on the mysteries of the universe? I know everything is going to look so much better when this is done. But I just want it to be done. I want to put my clothes in the closet. I want my bookshelves with my lovely books back in the living room. I yearn for my teapots to be gracing the top of my cabinets in the kitchen. I just want everything to go back to "normal". Whatever that is.
Am I being too demanding to ask that it is done by Labo Day weekend so that I can get ready for school in my own bedroom? Am I being needy ? Am I being so self centered because I don't want to live out of boxes anymore?
Am I having a pity partty? Anyone want to join me?