Driving back home the sky grew dark and boy did the wind whip! Ugh. I went inside and did some work and then joy of joys - the sun came out. It was still windy but I was determined to get outside. It was great - I was able to do a lot of weeding, straightening up of the rock border. I even got most of the fencing up - I still have to decide what to do about a garden gate.
I was able to prune down and trim many of my plants. I even got a chance to start to train my blackberry bush around a trellis.
It was so nice to take a break and sit on the bench and dream about my garden. I have a plan for my herb plot and a great idea for a movable trellis for my beans.
My new little plastic greenhouses came in the mail. I popped them up today. I am going to place them in a bare spot in the garden. Unfortunately tomorrow it is supposed to rain. If it doesn't I will place the greenhouses. Even if it does rain I am going to cover the dining room table with plastic and plant my seeds.