It seemed like a good idea this morning. SJ and I were going to head over to Ocean Grove and spend the day at the beach. The forecast was great, sunny and hot with no chance of storms. The beach at Ocean Grove doesn't open until about 12:30 on Sundays because fo church. We packed a lunch, some ssodaas, towels, magazines, chairs, umbrella - let's go.
The next time I get the bright idea to go to the beach on the weekend I want someone to smack me upside my head. Here in NJ we have lots of...people...who come from the northern part of the state or NY and spend the sumer in NJ. They spend their money here which is good for our economy. But the benefits end right there. We have a special name for these people: Bennies.
Bennies do not have a clue about personal space. Bennies do not have any idea what an "inside" voice is Nor do they understand that certain topics should not be discussed in the middle of a crowded beach. Bennies ignore all local traffic laws. They are loud, rude and mostly arrogant.
Now there are many nice poeple that come to the Shore from northern Nj and NYC. You would never know that these people are from "away". You wouldn't call these people bennies.
You see, being a benny is more than living in a certain geographic region. Being a benny involves a certain state of mind.
Anyway, enough of my rant. We spent only about 2 hours at the beach for several reasons:
1. The bennies
2. The water was disgusting. It looked like milions of scales had been dumped in the water.
3. The bennies
I'll go during the week, later in the afternoon from now on. I am just getting too old to deal with it.
The pictures are of my sweet daughter, SJ. The beach around us. The snack shack behind us and the town of Ocean Grove. And the crazy pasttime of New Jersians- getting hooked up to a parachute and towed by a boat out on the ocean. every time the boat slows to dip the people's feet in to the water, I am reminded of bait being dipped into the water for fishing. I don't know that I necessarily want to be shark bait.