We went to Magic Kingdom this morning and rode a lot of rides that we haven't been able to in a few years because the lines have always been out of control. Embarrass myself I will - Snow White's Adventures, Peter Pan, The Jungle Cruise and yes - yes - It's A Small World.
Then we headed over to EPCOT - rode the clam shell in Nemo's Adventures, Spaceship Earth (we call it the golf ball), the Norwegian ride, the Mexico ride and then my all time favorite - the ride in The Land "Living with the Land". I love it not for the hokey keep the earth beautiful stuff but for the experimental farming.
Fish farms, food farms, fish and food farms together. I love it. Tomato "trees". 9 pound lemons. Herbs grown hydroponically - it was all there. if it was possible i would get out of the boat, touch every blessed plant, knock on the door of the laboratory and ask 5 million questions. However they escort you out of the park for such actions.
We had a great dinner at Jiko at the Animal Kingdom. Now I am dog tired.