We had a wonderful morning at the magic Kingdom. We were able to go on all the rides that we really enjoy with minimal wait time. We even thought we would give Space Mountain a try. The last time I was on Space Mountain was probably 1975 when it opened. My dad took me on it and told me that I better not throw up because it would shoot backwards and land on him. I remember the ride being terrifying. But, hey, I was 10 years old at the time - everything is terrifying to a 10 year old - right?
The next time I doubt my childhood memory I want someone to come over and smack me in the head. Possibly everything is terrifying to a 10 year old - however it is even more terrifying to a 45 year old whose body is not really great at taking the whipping turns and jolting pop ups of Space Mountain. Not only was the ride itself just as terrifying as I remember it but at the very end I was saying a Hail Mary that the next tight curve spiralling downward would be the last.
Why? You may ask. Because I calculated that I had only moments before one of two things was going to happen. 1. I was going to throw up (thank God no one was behind me) or 2. I was going to pass out. Now I'm pretty sure that #1 happens all the time but #2 was probably going to get me an ambulance ride and possibly some news time.
Thank God neither one happened. As our car came to a sudden stop and we were told to unload, I unsuccessfully attempted to get out. Of course my husband and daughter bolted for the exit and yes, mortifyingly, the attend had to give me a hand. Yes and said "Have a magical day MAAM."