I am so excited. I have been looking all over for a hard cover older version of Eleanor Cameron's book "The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet." Finally I founf an old library copy on sale on E-Bay. It finally came in the mail.
I remember getting this book out of the library at St. Leo's when I was in 4th grade. I remember the sisters that ran the library and how they got to stand behind the big librarian desk and write our names on the card catalogue and stamp the day the book was due on the card.
That library was small and beautiful. All the book shelves and tables were a dark wood and they gleamed and smelled like lemon polish. It was usually the afternoon when we were able to go to the library, so the sun shone in the windows and made it cozy warm.
I remember taking out this book several times. It was wonderful to open the pages and lose myself in that journey to the Mushroom Planet.