I was waiting for it to rain this morning but it never did. it was a sunny breezy beautiful day. Looking in to my little greenhouses I noticed that it was probably time to transplant some of my seedlings. Normally I don't like to do this until after May 15 th but the roots were coming out of the bottom of some of the cups.
I had so many helpers today; Nick, Tommy, Carmella, Gianna and Abby. They helped me to transplant some peas, gourds, summer squash, pumpkins, red kidney beans and zucchinni. We watered them and then went back to the greenhouses to start some more seed. We started some small tomatoes, red kidney beans, green beans, sugar snap peas, luffah, zinnias, shasta daisies, lavendar, basil and oregano.
It was a very busy day. The girls found some "jewels" in the hosta beds. I explained about the gnome that lives in my yard. They collected the gems and wrote a note to the gnome asking for candy. Wouldn't you know it?! The gnome left them some fun dip and a good time was had by all!