That's it. It is war. These flipping squirrels have eaten my garbage cans, my lawn furniture, Halloween pumpkins, you name it. but I am now drawing the line. They have gone too far.
What, you may ask , have these furry rodents done to push me over the edge? They are digging in my garden. In my plants. My little plants that I have nurtured from seed.
I went to my local garden shop (bear Creek Herbary) they suggested grating Irish Spring soap around my plants or putting cotton balls soaked in mint essential oil around the base of the plants.
I looked online and red about spraying products made of fox urine, or cayenne pepper or even hot sauce around the base of the plants.
I posed the question on Mary Jane's Farmgirl chatroom and got some of the same answers, mothballs, a big dog...
I am starting to think a BB gun might be the best way to go.
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