I have started a new blog. Gusandtrudy.blogspot.com. Everyone knows of my love for gnomes. I love watching the travelocity gnome and I loved watching the gnome on the movie "Amelie". Based on those two gnomes and because we were leaving for Disney World today I hatched a plan to bring Gus the Gnome and trudy the Owl on the trip.
In one of my previous posts I told you about the neighborhood kids and how they found gnome jewels in my yard. They had left a note for the gnome to leave them candy - and he did! Well now Gus and Trudy have decided to let the kids keep track of their adventures. I am going to enjoy blogging the adventures of Gus and Trudy and I encourage you to peek in on them every once in a while!
Meanwhile I am so excited for our trip to Disney. We did sit in traffic for a while on 95 but at least we did not have to detour off the road (as we did one infamous year).
I hope to keep you posted on our trip. Don't forget to say hi to Gus and Trudy!
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