Sunday, April 10, 2011

Beautiful Day!

I have that U2 song "Beautiful Day" rolling around in my head. Yesterday was, in fact, a beautiful day. It had to be 56, wicked sunny with just a soft breeze. To make the day even more perfect was the fact that I got to spend the whole day outside. I helped my friend, John, who co owns and operates The Paper Moon Puppet Theatre, with a bank opening in Clifton.

We "walked" the marionettes around, he and Jody performed two puppet shows, and John and I worked on finger puppet crafts with the kids. It was fun! True, it was a long day with an hour ride up and an hour ride back- and when I got home I was bone tired - but it was fun!

To make it an even more perfect day - when I got home my hubby said "Let's go to the Diner". Music to my ears! Because, as we all know, food tastes even better when some one else cooks it and places it in front of you!